Become a Sponsor
There are many sponsorship opportunities available for members, from events to corporate sponsorships! Please click below to explore sponsorship opportunities.
Host a Mixer
Hosting a Mixer is a great opportunity for your business to be recognized. Mixers take place the fourth Thursday of each month. The Poway Chamber is glad to work with you to schedule a Mixer at your business. We ask that mixer hosts provide refreshments for guests. We can provide the bar if you are unable to do so. If you would like to host a Mixer, please download the application on our website and contact our office to see which dates are available.
Social Media Takeover
Showcase your business to our 1,000+ IG and 2,000+ FB followers in a personalized, detailed way. Seize this chance to share the unique essence of your business with the vibrant Poway Chamber community. Let us spotlight a day in the life of your business!
E-blasts reach more than 2,800 business and community contacts in Poway and the surrounding areas! An exclusive member benefit, e-blasts can be purchased starting at $75 ($125 when designed in-house) or members can earn a free e-blast by referring a new member to the Chamber.
Ribbon Cuttings
Members can request a ribbon cutting ceremony for their business! We provide the ribbon & the scissors, invite Board of Directors, Elected Officials, & Chamber members, and provide promotion and publicity of the event.

Business Cards & Brochures
Members can display their business cards & brochures in the Poway Chamber office.
Members, please bring your promotional items to the Chamber office located at 12222 Poway Road, Suite 27, M-F between 9 am and 12 pm.
Member to Member Discounts
Offer other chamber members discounts from your own business. Once you create a discount, it will appear on the Poway Chamber website. To create a discount, log in to your ChamberMaster account and you will see a “Share” tab. If you need your login information or have questions, please contact the Poway Chamber staff.
View and post discounts from your user portal.