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Poway Chamber of Commerce

Strengthening prosperity for members and the business community by providing leadership, education, advocacy, and networking opportunities.

Community Focused, Business Driven.

Signature Meetings & Events

See our Events Calendar for a full listing of upcoming meetings and events!

Be sure to register in advance to receive important reminders & updates, to be eligible for prize drawings (when applicable) and to avoid walk-in fees.

Member Spotlight

Rosella Saucier

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a national non-profit organization. Our mission is to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer. ACS is the largest, private non-profit funder of cancer research in the United States, and has invested $5 billion in research since 1946. ACS has funded 50 researchers who went on to win the Nobel Prize.

Mark Your Calendar

Education Workshops on March 25th

Morning Session (8AM - 9am):
AI / Tech Dos & Don’ts with Kevin Gyberg at B2 Software Inc.

Virtual Lunch Session (11:45am - 1pm):
Avoid Random Acts of Marketing to Generate Extraordinary Results with Brian Epperson at Target River Marketing

Evening Session (5:30pm - 7:30pm):
Targeted Marketing to Raise Awareness, Donations, Corporate Sponsorships, & Volunteerism for Your Non-Profit with Brian Epperson and Anthony Millican at Target River Marketing

March Mixer

Join us at Yanni's Bar & Grill for our March Mixer, a vibrant evening of networking, collaboration, and business connections. This event is a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow chamber members, local entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Enjoy food (drinks are available for purchase), networking, drawing prizes, and a chance at the Rollover Jackpot, sponsored by Plumbing Plus!

Upcoming Events

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